9 Things You Should Do Immediately After a Car Accident

With over two million residing in San Antonio and the surrounding counties and with San Antonio streets in less than optimal condition, with many drivers with marginal at best driving skills and a tendency to text more than to watch the road, it is a miracle more accidents don’t occur.


There is no question that San Antonio roadways experience their fair share of automobile traffic, with thousands of accidents occurring annually.

Whether you have been in an auto accident or trucking accident, Texas Law protects you and your family.

Many people aren’t sure what to do after a car accident here in San Antonio.

Accidents here in San Antonio and the surrounding communities occur under a variety of scenarios and often result in bodily injury with a wide range of severity. What may seem like a minor auto accident can still result in serious injuries to drivers and passengers. Some common injuries include:

  • Bone Fractures or Breaks
  • Concussions or Brain Injuries
  • Cuts and Bruises
  • Soft Tissue Injury


What Should I Do Immediately after a Car Accident?

After an auto or truck accident you will be faced with what can often be a confusing process, especially if you have been hurt. You want to be careful not to accept a first offer of settlement or sign a release from the other insurance company as this could jeopardize compensation to which you’re entitled.

Even if you think the responsibility for an auto accident is clear, it is critical you understand that the insurance company and their attorneys are not on your side and that they can be incredibly disruptive or dismissive to you and your claim.

It’s in your best interest to contact an experienced lawyer to help you navigate the injury claim process.

Auto and trucking accidents are relatively common with consequences ranging from little property damage to multiple car collisions with major property and personal injuries. Some auto and truck accidents may have major life-changing costs. Our attorneys have created a checklist of things to consider.


Stop Your Car

Never drive away from the scene of an accident, even a minor one.

Protect the Scene

You can prevent further accidents by setting up flares, or keeping your flashers on. If it is dark and your lights don’t work, you should have a flashlight to keep you safe while you wait in your disabled car or by the side of the road.

Contact the Police

It doesn’t matter if it seems like a minor problem, document the accident with the police. Know that vehicle damage isn’t always easy to see without a mechanic’s investigation. Even if you are not injured, you may be stressed or upset, so ask a police officer to complete a detailed accident report, this will serve as evidence in a claim and / or lawsuit with an insurance company to recover damages.

Take Photos and Videos

Take pictures of the vehicles if there is visible damage. If you have visible injuries, you should photograph them as well. However, you should in no way interfere with the on-going police investigation. If you cannot take pictures at the scene of the accident, take them as soon as possible after the accident.

Obtain Accurate Information

When the police arrive, make sure you tell the investigating officer(s) exactly what happened, to the best of your ability. If you do not know certain facts, tell that to the officer. Do not speculate, guess, or misstate any of the facts. If you are asked if you are injured and you are not sure, say you are not sure, rather than no. Often, the pain and injuries from motor vehicle accidents become apparent hours after the actual collision. You should also make sure statements made by other persons involved in the accident are accurate as well.

Exchange Information with Other Drivers

Typically, the investigating police officer obtains this information. However, if the police do not respond to the accident, you should obtain the name, address and telephone number of all persons involved in the accident, drivers and passengers alike. You should also obtain information about insurance by asking to see the insurance card for all vehicles involved in the accident. If there are witnesses, you should get information from them as well so that you or your attorney can contact them in the future.

Seeking Medical Treatment

Often, injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents are not immediately apparent. Most of our patients report feeling the most pain a day or two following an automobile accident. Unless you are absolutely certain you were not injured, you should seek medical attention at your local emergency room or by seeing your family physician. Even in accidents involving minor impact, you can sustain a serious and permanent injury to your spinal cord. If you lost consciousness or were dazed for even a short period of time following the collision, you may have suffered a concussion or closed head injury. This can cause cognitive and behavioral changes if left untreated.

Report the Accident

Notify your insurance company as soon as possible. Many policies require immediate reporting and full cooperation. Find out if you have medical benefits as part of your insurance coverage. You pay extra for that type of coverage – known as “medpay” – so you should use it. In fact, if you have medpay coverage, you are required to submit your accident-related medical bills to your insurance company.

Maintain Records and Documents

Keep all your accident-related documents and information together. This information should include a claim number, the claim’s adjuster who is handling the claim, names and phone numbers of all contacts, receipts for a rental car and other expenses incurred as a result of the accident.


Have you suffered an injury from a car accident?

Schedule an appointment with us today

Make an appointment today: 210-342-2777

*Information obtained from: encasodeaccidente.com